Manchester Grows

Manchester Grows is a network of non-profit projects
dedicated to providing fresh produce to the community


Gardening   Wednesdays


Gardens thrive on community, blossoming through shared joy and the power of volunteering.

Pop-up Market Thursdays

Pop-Up Markets

Discover a vibrant pop-up farmer’s market, fresh produce, and community connections.

Mum$ Mondays


Trade mum$ for local treats, and savor Manchester’s history.

About Us

A few things we’re great at

Local Gardens

Educating, nurturing, and cultivating vibrant hubs of community greenery.

Non-profit Network 

We collaborate with a diverse nonprofit network to maximize community impact.

Neighborhood connections

Planting the seeds of connection, fostering a stronger, closer-knit community.

Make A  Difference

Join Manchester Grows to volunteer and be part of the change—your actions will create a positive impact, fostering a stronger, more vibrant neighborhood for everyone!

Community Gardens

Discover our community Gardens

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Contact Us

Phone: (603) 669-1022

Social media


Manchester, NH


With your help

Manchester Grows